Frank MacCallum The Book of the Marimba
GP 4213
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Frank MacCallum's important book has been out of print for many years. This important text contains information about the history and the construction of the instrument. There are also chapters on observations and comments made by various musicians and writers, how to write music for the marimba, ensemble playing, and more. This is one of the very first books about how marimbas are constructed and includes information about the dimensions, tuning, resonator shape and size, of the instruments.
Like all of VAP Media's Digital Library offerings, the book was scanned at high resolution, straightened, cleaned up, and passed through state-of-the-art optical character reading software so that the text is searchable!
See the Table of Contents below.
Like all of VAP Media's Digital Library offerings, the book was scanned at high resolution, straightened, cleaned up, and passed through state-of-the-art optical character reading software so that the text is searchable!
See the Table of Contents below.