Demystifying midiDemystifying MIDI is one of the very first books on the inner workings of MIDI. Now published by VAP Media, this book is real information for real people—written in an easy-to-understand and conversational manner. With this book, you'll learn everything you need to know to be an expert as using your gear and your software.
The electronic drummerFirst published by Modern Drummer Magazine, VAP Media is proud to re-introduce the the book that set the standard for Electronic Percussion information. From simple uses of electronics to complex set-ups, this book will tell you what you need to know in straight-forward, user-friendly language.
Guide to standardized drumset notationNorman's entire drumset notation research is now available from VAP Media. Meticulously researched over a period of two years, the notation characteristics of over 200 drumset books, compositions, texts, and articles were thoroughly examined. This is the complete documentation!